How To Safely Manage Emails?

                        In today's era, along with cybersecurity, email security is also important. There are so, many different types of method which can be used to protect your email account.
            In this article, we try to find out some solutions to them. As we know that Gmail is the worlds most popular email web service provider & also it provides high security. Therefore, a large number of people choose Gmail as an email service.

1] Don't click on unknown or untrusted            email     

            Laks of the spam is done within the seconds. To protect ourselves, don't click on unknown or untrusted email spammers always try to play with your minds. Technically it is known as social engineering. We will talk about this on another upcoming blogs. Managing your email safely increases the chances of your safety.

2] Don't open untrusted attachments

            Many emails come in your inbox have an attachment. These attachments can contain malicious codes which may be damage to your system. When you click on the unknown attachments lots of changes in your data losses. So, for security don't open untrusted attachments.

3] Strictly obeys Gmail suggestions &        warning

            The A.I. of google can protect you on many times. This A.I. detects whether the email you had received is goog dor bad. Some factors have been already define into its algorithm. Therefore, it protects you too much more extent. Hence, strictly obeys Gmail suggestions & warnings.

4] Don't click on anonymous links

            Most of the emails come with certain links. These links can redirect you to dangerous websites. That's why don't click on anonymous links. In upcoming blogs we see about drive-by download attack. Gmail strictly opposes such types of links but, sometimes it maybe works.

In this way, you can protect yourself from email fraud. Also, there are many other ways to protect your email from fraud.

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