4 Common Android Problems and Their Solutions


First of all, we will try to find out the common problems that occur in Android smartphones. As we know, android is the biggest growing industry in the technology field. Android smartphone nearly fulfills our every need. And that's why there are so many problems that arise with smartphones. So, in this article, you will definitely get a solution to your problems.


Nearly every android smartphone user face this problem. This is the most common problem that arises with every android. Your Whatsapp messages, the workload of apps, WhatsApp images, videos, and lots more things affect the speed of your android. So what is the solution? 

First of all install cache cleaner and antivirus into your android. so that your cache memory and dump files always get clean.

  • Always delete your unnecessary photos from android
  • Don't' charge your phone up to 100%
  • Update your android regularly
  • Switch off your phone at night 

Something whats happens, that when you try to install apps from the play store it may not be installed. This is because of the lack of ram. Because already too many applications installed onto your android smartphone. This may not give any free space for any new application installation. That's why always uninstall your unnecessary applications. Sometimes you leave the previous apps in your android and you are not using them. So better is that uninstalled them.

Another reason is that maybe any virus installed into your android. So, that it's taking a lot of ram and make your android busy. For that, you need to install antivirus and antimalware apps to protect your privacy. 

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Not only your android but nearly all the devices get this heading problem. Because of overuse or maybe no proper supply of current. And I think it is a dangerous issue. You need to be careful about it. Sometimes you changed your phone up to 100%. 

This is a serious mistake that you are doing with your phone. Overchaned reduces the battery life of your android and if also affect the power supply. So don't charge your phone up to 100%. For best battery life change up to 80-90% so that the performance of your android leaves as it is.

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Every time you watch or download something on the internet, the applications require some space to store some data. Whether the data is temporarily not the problem but if it is stored permanently them this problem definitely occurs on every android device. People having low range android smartphones have often face this kind of problem.

 So the best way is to delete unnecessary files, photos, and videos from your phone. This will help to free up some space from your android. You can also use the Google Files app to manage your storage space. But I think no one stored their data on the local device. Most people use cloud storage to store data. And I think, it is the best solution for such types of problems.

If you find something entering in this article so plz share it with your friends and family. So that they can't face such types of problems in the future.

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